From the Jambox Forums:
If your Jambox doesn't sound great when connected to your Mac, but sounds great when connected to an iPhone or iPad, you might want to try the following. This assumes that you have tried other troubleshooting tips posted here.
Default bluetooth settings on your Mac may create a low quality bluetooth connection between your Mac and your bluetooth device.
We need to edit the bluetooth plist file located at ~/Library/Preferences/ The property or key that needs to be changed in this file is "Apple Bitpool Min (editable)". The default value is 2. You should try and use a value between 40 to 58 and see if your problem is resolved.
To edit the plist file, launch Terminal and type the following. Do not copy and paste as you may experience unexpected results. Also make sure your Mac is backed up before trying any of this if you are not comfortable working in Terminal.
defaults write "Apple Bitpool Min (editable)" -integer 40
After this, shut of your bluetooth and turn it back on.
This got rid of an annoying intermittent chirping sound coming from my jambox when connected to my Mac via bluetooth. I used a value of 48 instead of 40. Just play around with the values to see what works.
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