I just wrote a JavaScript snippet to hide the unread count on folders in the FastMail web interface's sidebar. I use this with Fluid.app's Userscript support.
Here's the snippet:
window.mmHide = function() { jQuery('.FolderTree span:contains("Folder 1 name here") + .badge').hide(); jQuery('.FolderTree span:contains("Folder 2 name here") + .badge').hide(); // Duplicate previous line as needed } jQuery(function() { setTimeout(window.mmHide, 1000); setInterval(window.mmHide, 10000); })
You'll need to also include jQuery as a Userscript. (You can just copy/paste the minified jQuery above this snippet in your Userscript.) I'm sure there's a non-jQuery way to do this but I already have jQuery available so this was easiest.
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